Python SIG

On Thursday night, I attended the first meeting of what looks to become a great group of people, at the first PySig meeting, in Manchester, NH. The meeting release has some more information on it, and the mailing list is a great place for discussion of it for people who may be interested.

It was interesting to speak to a mixture of people ranking from 20 years in the computer industry to people like me with one or two, and note that they were all interested in learning Python – and that I definitely had a thing or two up on most of them in this day and age. For example, in a room of 20 participants, several of whom have been working with Python for years, I was the only person who had actually had work posted to Daily Python URL.

During the meeting, I wrote some code (a clunky registration page) which we then did some initial code review on. I demonstrated a trick I learned from sbp, including a “View Source” part of my application so people could see exactly what it was doing.

I’m falling back in love with Python quite quickly. This is nice for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the start of a bit more free time as of this week. I’ll explain that in a later post.

Mostly, I’d like to put out the word to anyone that attended that I had a great time, and I’d love to see more people in the area attend. So far as I can find, there is no group of people in the Northeast that has as much coverage as the website: there’s been a couple postings around Boston, but nothing big enough that they have a website. I’d be glad to find out I’m wrong, however, so feel free to tell me so. 🙂

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