GeoJSON: Spec updates
Grabbed Sean Gillies yesterday and talked to him about GeoJSON. We came to a conclusion that his argument against type, although not ill-reasoned, was simply going to require a couple extra edits to the spec that might possibly limit its use slightly more. So, we decided to skip duck typing, use the type attribute everywhere, etc. I don’t know if Sean was really *convinced*, but he was willing to let me put his name back on the spec 🙂
Another GeoJSON community member (Martin Daly) pointed out that abusing EPSG (By saying “Use EPSG, but ignore the coordinate order”) is probably the wrong way to go about things. After talking to Raj, I got some feedback, and posted about an alternative (using OGC URNs) to the list.
So, if you have comments on GeoJSON, please share them now.