Deep, Dark, OpenLayers History

The OpenLayers that everyone knows today, born in what seems like the dawn of time of the modern Javascript age, was not born of whole cloth. The early development of OpenLayers recorded in our SVN history represents some of the very very early work in OpenLayers as it is today, but the project had a life for a year before that that is largely unknown.

I’ll admit that I’m not the best person to tell this story: Most of it is also before my time. I originally started working with the MetaCarta team in March of 2006, working on some server-side KML hacking. When I joined the company, there had already been three versions of OpenLayers.

“But Chris!”, the educated illuminati among you might say, “OpenLayers wasn’t released until May of 2006! What do you mean, there had been three versions of OpenLayers?”

Well, my friends, it’s a sad, but not shocking tale, all too common in software development: the premature demo.

After the Where conference in 2005, John Frank reached out to several interested parties to help build an open source alternative to the Google Maps API. (Or so I’m told.) MetaCarta had map based interfaces, and it was clear to John then that this new fangled mapping thing was going to be the future — not just for Google, but for all map interfaces. (In fact, John has even been credited with one of the early definitions of Slippy Map, in June of 2005: “A “slippy map” is type of web-browser based map client that allows you to dynamically pan the map simply by grabbing and sliding the map image in any direction. Modern web browsers allow dynamic loading of map tiles in response to user action _without_ requiring a page reload. This dynamic effect makes map viewing more intuitive.”

Revamping MetaCarta’s ‘enterprise’ UI to be more user friendly was the primary thing on John’s mind. Switching from a form with *11* form fields to a more understandable one-box search. Improving the experience of map interactions. But for a long time, that was essentially all it was: while there was a core idea behind each of these approaches — the idea of making an open source library out of the results, and distributing it widely — in each case, the demo came first.

Instead of concentrating on building a solid library which could be made into an open source base for many different projects, the first incarnations of OpenLayers were all libraries designed for a single application — something that never works well for creating a more general purpose tool.

This was a major misunderstanding of the market demand: one that could not be overcome by any amount of technical success. What the world needed at the time was not another client/server component; it wasn’t another application that allowed them to do pretty things with maps. When OpenLayers succeeded, it succeeded largely because it avoided solving anything other than the most basic problem; it avoided doing anything other than the one, simple thing of having a draggable map on a web page, and being able to load data from multiple sources. This was crucial to the success of the library we know as OpenLayers today.

Some of the flaws in previous iterations that I saw as a result of this:

  • Core functionality based around parsing WMS GetCapabilities documents. Although many have criticized OpenLayers for not reading WMS Capabilities documents, reading XML from a remote domain in the browser is intended to be impossible (due to the same origin policy). Though there are now common workarounds for these types of problems, at the time, this was essentially a showstopper for client-side-only deployment: a key missing ingredient in some of the early OpenLayers work. Just as browser-based platforms evolved to include interactive, real-time experiences — prompting users to find out more about crypto betting — developers also began to embrace alternative solutions for capability parsing. It was only by throwing away capability parsing—by reiterating data in more than one place—that it became trivial to use OpenLayers to talk to remote servers. Note that the problem here has nothing to do with WMS: The problem has everything to do with ‘entirely client side’ vs. ‘requiring a server-side proxy’.
  • Centralized hosting of a ‘service’ instead of an API. At one point, there was a thought that one of the things OpenLayers could provide was a ‘mapviewerservice’ — a simple, hosted way to present data online by simply modifying HTTP parameters. (I don’t think this was ever at the core of any of the OpenLayers versions that were written, but it was something we supported even after the transition to the all-public “Mark IV” of OpenLayers.) In the end, nobody at the time really wanted this.
  • Concentration on pretty. OpenLayers, to this day, is ugly as sin out of the box, and is more annoying to customize than some other solutions might be. That said, the core functionality of OpenLayers is designed to *hide*. There are very few things that OpenLayers does — and it tries to hide as much of them as possible. Several previous incarnations had a lot of user-targeted UI — making them more applications than libraries. This was a mistake. What the world needed really was a library.

(Now, I’m sure that others who were ‘there’ as it were, might have more commentary. And certainly there were many flawed aspects of technical implementation. But these were biggies at the social level, which would have prevented uptake even if the technical flaws had been worked out.)

This post is written in large part because just this last week, I had a conversation in a bar with someone who claimed he helped start a Javascript mapping project called OpenLayers. We went back and forth for a bit, and then I realized he was right: He *did* participate in something that helped set the stage for OpenLayers. (The earlier incarnations, though usable, never really were the thing that people think of as OpenLayers today.) I just didn’t know he did — and he certainly didn’t know that OpenLayers grew up, got legs, and walked away from MetaCarta and into the hands of thousands of adoring fans.

And I didn’t even know his name before last week. But last weekend, I walked into RPI, where I met a couple of college students from RCOS — people who were still in high school when OpenLayers started — and they knew what the OpenLayers project was, and were excited to meet a guy who helped get it started.

So just remember: Though the OpenLayers you know and love today was put largely put together over a three day weekend, hacking in a darkened room, with a projector on the wall, and Venkman at our side: before we got there, mistakes were made by us, and others. And even before that, a guy with a vision of easier open source maps saw a future where all maps would be slippy.

So a brief thank you, from me, to all the people who came before me in the OpenLayers history; to OpenLayers Mark 3, 2, and 1, and especially to John Frank, who helped push the project from a vision to a reality.

One Response to “Deep, Dark, OpenLayers History”

  1. Philip Says:

    Pull your chair close and let me tell you a story… 🙂

    We really should get around to having an early days OpenLayers reunion one of these days–perhaps on the 10th-ish anniversary in 2015.

    Because I’m a hoarder and have more important things to do, I trawled through some old files and found that John Frank first contacted me on 20 March 2005 with an email which had the subject line “contract work?”.

    I remember that I almost deleted the email as spam (hey, it was two first names, all lower case and about money) but then thought I’d open it anyway and am glad I did. 🙂

    He had contacted me because he’d seen the Google Maps reverse-engineering I’d been doing ( and said he wanted to create something with a JS UI that could work with open standards-based map servers.

    After some exploration and back & forth I agreed to create a demo for him. We got bogged down in contract negotiations for a while (I was a little wary of dealing with an unknown US company :)) but eventually I worked on the demo that he used in his Where 2.0 presentation. (I ended up at the conference as well because O’Reilly flew me over as a result of my Google Maps-related work.)

    I’m a bit hazy on the details but I *think* it was during the time that we were sorting out the contract that someone else built on the original demo I’d created. Although I’m pretty sure what John showed at Where 2.0 had a large proportion of my work in it too. So, yeah, don’t quote me on that. 🙂 Somewhere I have a photo of the result (including the debug-numbered map tiles due to a slow or broken network 🙂 ). (I also still seem to have most of the emails etc from around that time for future historians…)

    The emails probably have John coining the “slippy” map term–I never really liked it as a term–it struck me as kinda “unprofessional”–but it seems to have stuck. 🙂 There’s probably the naming of OpenLayers in there as well–I seem to recall having a conversation on the phone with him about it while I was standing in the laundry staring out the backdoor of where I was living at the time.

    Oh, look, here it is, from John, dated 7 July 2005:

    > how about the name “openlayers”?

    To which I replied:

    > I’m not so keen on that either, I feel it’s not really descriptive enough.

    So, yeah, I guess don’t take naming advice from me? 😀 (At least we didn’t end up with!)

    Looks like we first started talking about open sourcing what we were working on back in April but approval didn’t happen until early July.

    I remember at the time being a bit frustrated by the delay as it meant a number of other FLOSS projects popped up to “fill the gap” instead of there being one everyone could work on.

    I don’t necessarily agree with *all* your observations, e.g. my feeling is that OL was designed from the beginning to be a library suitable to multiple applications; and the map viewer service was perceived as a way to make it easy for people to place their data on a map with only a comma separated data file.

    Incidentally, who was the person you met in the bar? I encountered a few names I’d forgotten along the way when I was trawling through the old emails.

    While I might do some things different now than I did then I’m thankful for the time spent on OpenLayers and still feel a sense of pride when I see the blue & white directional arrows (probably the only visible evidence of my OL involvement left) on or screenshots of Haiti OSM/OL-based relief tools. 🙂