import sys import re import urllib import RDF foaf = RDF.NS("") dc = RDF.NS('') rdf = RDF.NS('') rdfs = RDF.NS('') owl = RDF.NS('') vs = RDF.NS('') classranges = {} classdomains = {} def termlink(string): """FOAF specific: function which replaces foaf:* with a link to the term in the document.""" return re.sub(r"foaf:(\w+)", r"""foaf:\1""", string) def return_name(m, urinode): "Trims the FOAF namespace out of a term to give a name to the term." return str(urinode.uri).replace("", "") def get_rdfs(m, urinode): "Returns label and comment given an RDF.Node with a URI in it" l = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(urinode, rdfs.label, None)) label = l.current().object.literal_value['string'] c = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(urinode, rdfs.comment, None)) comment = c.current().object.literal_value['string'] return label, comment def get_status(m, urinode): "Returns the status text for a term." s = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(urinode, vs.term_status, None)) return s.current().object.literal_value['string'] def htmlDocInfo( t, termdir="../doc" ): """Opens a file based on the term name (t) and termdir (defaults to current directory. Reads in the file, and returns a linkified version of it.""" doc = "" try: f = open("%s/%s.en" % (termdir, t), "r") doc = doc = termlink(doc) except: return "

No detailed documentation for this term.

" return doc def rdfsPropertyInfo(term,m): """Generate HTML for properties: Domain, range, status.""" doc = "" range = "" domain = "" # domain and range stuff (properties only) d = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(term, rdfs.domain, None)) if d.current(): domain = d.current().object.uri domain = str(domain) else: domain = "" r = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(term, rdfs.range, None)) if r.current(): range = r.current().object.uri range = str(range) if domain: if ("" in domain): domain = domain.replace("", "") domain = """foaf:%s""" % (domain, domain) doc += "\tDomain:\n\t%s\n" % domain if range: if ("" in range): range = range.replace("", "") range = """foaf:%s""" % (range, range) doc += "\tRange:\n\t%s\n" % range return doc def rdfsClassInfo(term,m): """Generate rdfs-type information for Classes: ranges, and domains.""" global classranges global classdomains doc = "" # Find out about properties which have rdfs:range of t r = classranges.get(str(term.uri), "") if r: rlist = '' for k in r: kname = k if ("" in k): k = k.replace("", "") k = """foaf:%s""" % (k, k) rlist += "%s " % k doc += "in-range-of:"+rlist+"" # Find out about properties which have rdfs:domain of t d = classdomains.get(str(term.uri), "") if d: dlist = '' for k in d: kname = k if ("" in k): k = k.replace("", "") k = """foaf:%s""" % (k, k) dlist += "%s " % k doc += "in-domain-of:"+dlist+"" return doc def owlInfo(term,m): """Returns an extra table row if the term (an RDF.Node()) is an IFP.""" o = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(term, rdf.type, owl.InverseFunctionalProperty)) if o.current(): return("\tOWL Type:\n\tAn InverseFunctionalProperty (uniquely identifying property)\n") return '' def docTerms(category, list, m): """A wrapper class for listing all the terms in a specific class (either Properties, or Classes. Category is 'Property' or 'Class', list is a list of term names (strings), return value is a chunk of HTML.""" doc = "" nspre = "foaf" for t in list: term = foaf[t] doc += """

%s: %s:%s

\n""" % (t, category, nspre, t) label, comment = get_rdfs(m, term) status = get_status(m, term) doc += "%s - %s
" % (label, comment) doc += """\n\t\n\t\n""" % status doc += owlInfo(term,m) if category=='Property': doc += rdfsPropertyInfo(term,m) if category=='Class': doc += rdfsClassInfo(term,m) doc += "
\n" doc += htmlDocInfo(t) doc += "

[back to top]

\n\n" doc += "\n
\n\n" return doc def buildazlist(classlist, proplist): """Builds the A-Z list of terms. Args are a list of classes (strings) and a list of props (strings)""" azlist = """
""" azlist = """%s\n

Classes: |""" % azlist classlist.sort() for c in classlist: azlist = """%s %s | """ % (azlist, c.replace(" ", ""), c) azlist = """%s\n

""" % azlist azlist = """%s\n

Properties: |""" % azlist proplist.sort() for p in proplist: azlist = """%s %s | """ % (azlist, p.replace(" ", ""), p) azlist = """%s\n

""" % azlist azlist = """%s\n
""" % azlist return azlist def specInformation(m): """Read through the spec (provided as a Redland model) and return classlist and proplist. Global variables classranges and classdomains are also filled as appropriate.""" global classranges global classdomains # Find the class information: Ranges, domains, and list of all names. classlist = [] for classStatement in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, rdf.type, rdfs.Class)): for range in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, rdfs.range, classStatement.subject)): classranges.setdefault(str(classStatement.subject.uri), []).append(str(range.subject.uri)) for domain in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, rdfs.domain, classStatement.subject)): classdomains.setdefault(str(classStatement.subject.uri), []).append(str(domain.subject.uri)) classlist.append(return_name(m, classStatement.subject)) # Create a list of properties in the schema. proplist = [] for propertyStatement in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, rdf.type, rdf.Property)): proplist.append(return_name(m, propertyStatement.subject)) return classlist, proplist def main(specloc = "file:index.rdf"): """The meat and potatoes: Everything starts here.""" m = RDF.Model() p = RDF.Parser() p.parse_into_model(m, specloc) classlist, proplist = specInformation(m) # Build HTML list of terms. azlist = buildazlist(classlist, proplist) # Generate Term HTML termlist = "

Classes and Properties (full detail)

" termlist += docTerms('Class',classlist,m) termlist += docTerms('Property',proplist,m) # Generate RDF from original namespace. u = urllib.urlopen(specloc) rdfdata = rdfdata.replace("""""", "") # wip.template is a template file for the spec, python-style % escapes # for replaced sections. f = open("template.html", "r") template = print template % (azlist.encode("utf-8"), termlist.encode("utf-8"), rdfdata.encode("utf-8")) if __name__ == "__main__": """Specification generator tool, created for FOAF schema maintenance.""" if (len(sys.argv) >= 2): main(sys.argv[1]) else: main()