import appuifw import thread import e32 class Sink(list): def triple(self, s, p, o): self.append((s[1],p[1],o[1])) def import_modules(lock): import ntriples import urllib lock.signal() = u'FOAF Service' lock = e32.Ao_lock() thread.start_new_thread(import_modules,(lock,)) url = appuifw.query(u'URL?',"text") service_url = "" myurl = url #url = "" lock.wait() import ntriples import urllib url = "%s%s"%(service_url, url) print url mysink = Sink() parser = ntriples.NTriplesParser(mysink) u = urllib.urlopen(url) sink = parser.parse(u) u.close() people = {} creator = "" for triple in sink: if (triple[0] == myurl and (triple[1] == "" or triple[1] == "") and not creator): creator = triple[2] if not people.has_key(triple[0]): people[triple[0]] = {} people[triple[0]][triple[1]] = triple[2] if (creator): p = creator if (people[p].has_key("") and (people[p][""] == "")): props = {"aim": "", "yahoo": "", "msn": "", "icq": "", "name": "", "nick":""} if (people[p].has_key(props['name'])): print "Info about the creator of this document, %s:"%(people[p][props['name']]) elif (people[p].has_key(props['nick'])): print "Info about the creator of this document, %s:"%(people[p][props['nick']]) else: print "Info about %s:"%(p) for i in props.keys(): if people[p].has_key(props[i]): print "%s: %s"%(i,people[p][props[i]]) else: for p in people.keys(): if (people[p].has_key("") and (people[p][""] == "")): props = {"aim": "", "yahoo": "", "msn": "", "icq": "", "name": "", "nick":""} if (people[p].has_key(props['name'])): print "Info about %s:"%(people[p][props['name']]) elif (people[p].has_key(props['nick'])): print "Info about %s:"%(people[p][props['nick']]) else: print "Info about %s:"%(p) for i in props.keys(): if people[p].has_key(props[i]): print "%s: %s"%(i,people[p][props[i]])