First Attempt at IronPython

My first attempt to do something useful with IronPython:

>>> import urllib
>>> urllib.urlopen("")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File httplib, line unknown, in getreply
  File httplib, line unknown, in getresponse
  File httplib, line unknown, in __init__
  File System, line unknown, in set_ReceiveBufferSize
  File System, line unknown, in SetSocketOption
WindowsError: Invalid arguments

Note that I’m working on OS X, and my exception is a WindowsError. Fancy.

(I was inspired by Bill Thorp’s efforts to get TileCache working on IronPython: Round 1, Round 2. However, I’m not all that inspired now.)

Still, it is kind of cool that IronPython just ran — I didn’t expect that to work. Maybe there’s something to this mono business after all.

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