FeatureServer at FOSS4G: What do you want to know?

Anyone planning on making it to the FeatureServer presentation at FOSS4G? What would you like to hear about?

4 Responses to “FeatureServer at FOSS4G: What do you want to know?”

  1. Eric Says:

    I won’t be able to attend your FeatureServer talk but If I were I’d be very interested to learn about featureServer’s current and/or future orientations towards Atom Publishing Protocol. Does today’s FeatureServer implement APP?

  2. crschmidt Says:


    To be honest, this is a question I don’t really know the answer to.

    FeatureServer passes at least some of the tests run by Sam Ruby’s little APP tester thingy. It has support for reading a full range of GeoRSS simple geometries. It has edit-link hrefs. It accepts posted Atom entries and does useful things with them.

    It’s perhaps not the most complete APP sever in the world — but it seems complete, and lacking features are probably just oversights since I still don’t get AtomPub 🙂

  3. Eric Says:

    I’ve read some of your posts in geo-web-rest saying that you don’t get AtomPub. What is it that you don’t get? I’m sure you understand the specs, so what is it that bothers you?

    Eric, just curious 🙂

  4. crschmidt Says:

    Well, I’m not entirely sure that I get the specs. What it comes down to, really, is that it feels like I haven’t done enough to implement AtomPub — and there’s no client that I seem to be able to test it out against, or set of rules I need to follow.

    I have, at the moment, implemented everything I’m aware of to make FeatureServer AtomPub friendly, but I’m sure that something is missing, and that there will be more feature requests as people actually try to use it.