OSGeo: Boston

OSGeo Users Group meeting in Boston tomorrow (well, it’s already tomorrow, but you know what I mean) night, 7pm at MIT Museum in Cambridge.

When: Wednesday, Oct 17th, 7PM
Where: MIT Museum, Downstairs, “MIT360” space,
265 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA
Boston Freemap
What: First Meeting of Boston OSGeo users group: intro, and maybe review of FOSS4G?
Who: Anyone interested in open source geo software
Why: Because it’s there!

I figure we’ll spend an hour or two getting to know people, talking about FOSS4G (for those of us who went… that might just be me), etc.

If you plan to be there, please respond to the list so people know to expect you! (A ‘maybe’ is fine.)

2 Responses to “OSGeo: Boston”

  1. Guido Says:

    How did the meeting go? Is there going to be another one anytime soon? Are there any plans for a GIS un-conference in the Boston area?

  2. crschmidt Says:


    I’d highly recommend you join the mailing list.
