OpenAerialMap: Using with Other Tools

One of the cool things about building a map on top of quality Open Source products is the ease with which one can extend the possible uses of your software.

GDAL 1.5 has gained the ability to read a WMS-C style remote tile cache directly: this means that any tool which uses GDAL as an image provider can read remote tile caches directly. The one that matters the most to me is MapServer: MapServer has the ability to load up a simple config file — — and use that in a mapfile: Using With MapServer.

Not running the bleeding edge GDAL? That’s fine: Instead, you can use the WMS that’s hosted by the OAM project: Using With WMS. This means that any WMS client — including those fancy schmancy ESRI tools that speak WMS. (There are at least some of them, I think.)

Your application only speaks in WorldWind? Well, we can take care of that for you: With a WorldWind metadata file, you should be up and running in no time. (In my experience, unfortunately, this is true in ossimPlanet, which has no problem with the file, but WorldWind itself seems a bit touchy about it once you zoom past the first couple levels. But I can only do so much.)

Using the new plugin-friendly TileCache that I rewrote last night, I was able to add support for the Mobile GMaps client — Using With MGMaps — in just 20 minutes. Similarly, a user reported success using the tiles with Maemo Mapper.

Of course, it can be used with OSM — either as a tile backdrop, or in the OSM editing application (JOSM): Using With OSM — due to the above plus TileCache’s TMS support.

As a result of the TMS support, it should be possible to load into Google Maps as well, though I’m really too lazy to test that one.

Overall, with just a few small tools — GDAL, MapServer and TileCache — it’s possible to build support for a wide variety of services from a single dataset.

One Response to “OpenAerialMap: Using with Other Tools”

  1. neogeo » Archive du blog » Querelle 2.0 Says:

    […] (voir aussi l’implémentation de pyWPS par Omniverdi), mais restent réservés à une avant-garde. Ceci est dû en partie à la jeunesse de ces technologies, et à leur complexité. Donc Mike […]