2005-03 Archive


Holy crap, making my life easier. I don't know why I didn't ever bother to set up subversion for work before, but I spent a couple hours today doing it, and I'm totally amazed at how easy this stuff is going to make my life. In general, I worked through a combination of editing using vim on the server, and using SubEthaEdit locally (especially for files which require different encodings that I don't know how to deal with in vim.) However, Subversion is going to completely negate the need for copying files around manually.

A lot of people could probably understand it well if they thought about the way that rsync works: Look at only the files that have changed, and only update those files which have changed. Subversion does this, however, they also deal with some other things that are useful, like that whole revision control thing.

As far as revision control goes, one of the benefits this will work with for me is that I can flip through the subversion logs and see my commit messages . I can look at my commit messages and see what I've changed, and fill out my time card slightly more accurately when I forget something.

So, all in all, I'm just amazed at the prospects for how much easier my life is going to get because of this. I think that it will increase my productivity a lot, improve accountability, and let my boss see what I'm working on (and others, as we move towards using the system more). Todd has already expressed an interest in using it - saying he's been meaning to do it for years, just hasn't got the time - and I think once he sees the benefits, he'll be kicking himself for missing it. I know that I am: I definitely shouldn't have gone nearly so long without RCS. When you're working by yourself on projects, though, it's very hard to realize the benefits that Subversion can offer. I'm going to be moving to a server seperate from my main machine in the near future, and I expect in the process, I'll move everything into subversion on one of the two servers: that will let me do the same thing with editing locally, and updating remotely.

All in all, Subversion seems like it's going to be a major boon to my development process. I'm really glad I took the time to install it.

* Posted by crschmidt on #d8uv.com at 2005-03-05 00:18:44 UTC.

speaking Chris

he's very drunk right now. Try not to take him seriously.

* Posted by jessica on #the_commune at 2005-03-27 04:39:31 UTC.

damn bot

i typed a bunch of shit and it didn't listen so now i start over cool posts ehrein!

am totally drunk moose! moose is kitty

kitty of kristna. kristna here now! roy! NOETS you just suck

ogogle noets

he is? i no see << biz: noets! jess: don't be dumb you need title @Title foo only less so with less uppercase i totally suck

* Posted by crschmidt on #the_commune at 2005-03-27 04:40:40 UTC.


i need to title the entry.

* Posted by roy on #the_commune at 2005-03-27 04:40:51 UTC.


<crschmidt> i totally suck

* Posted by roy on #the_commune at 2005-03-27 04:41:14 UTC.


truth helped me realize! god, i hope this thing aint googleable except i know it is why the fuck is title a requirement? stupid

* Posted by crschmidt on #the_commune at 2005-03-27 05:36:04 UTC.

Rhapsody in Drunk Crschmidt

The titles are for the getting of Google hits which are for the getting of raptures of crschmidts drunk on caipis or not.


* Posted by sbp on #the_commune at 2005-03-27 05:37:07 UTC.

sbp is lying!

he says someone wanted to use his computer but the fact of the matter is he's just a liar.

keep this in mind while dealing with sbp when you are as drunk as i am! (which is very.(


* Posted by crschmidt on #the_commune at 2005-03-27 06:42:33 UTC.

I don't have anywhere else to write this

I really like this dress. I can't remember the noets linking syntax. I think I may have it backwards. "Why can't we all just wiki-along?" Too many link formats to remember.

* Posted by crschmidt on #the_commune at 2005-03-29 03:19:35 UTC.

The Great #lj_support Banz0ring

A couple people have asked why I'm banned from #lj_support: as usual, ops never reveal their secrets. I'm tired of telling it again and again, so I'm going to write it here, where it will hopefully cause a minimum of drama.

Around March 21st, I made a joking comment to a developer, when he was describing the lack of a good way of reporting transient issues, that maybe a bug tracker was in order. The comment was taken as a specific barb, rather than being in jest, and the developer in question left the channel and through a hissyfit in a protected entry in his journal. A couple days after that, an administrator of the support team (these people are in charge of maintaining #lj_support, the IRC channel) sent both Jess and I an email. From what I've heard, it seems that this email is taken, in large part, from points made in the previously mentioned hissyfit.

In any case, I brushed it off, in large part because I almost never talked to Jess in that channel anymore unless I was also talking to someone else, and thus far, I am aware of no way for three people to participate in a private message.

Later that day, I was talking to Jess and Kristan in the channel, when the following exchange occurred:

16:11 < jessica> I shouldn't've used an interrogation mark.
16:11 < crschmidt> then why the kristna?
16:11 < kristna> okay, so that wasn't intended to be as mean sounding as caps... YOU USE... *twitch*
16:11 * snark PMs...
16:11 * crschmidt kisses jess's cheek
16:11 < jessica> right, right, I should have said, "hey, kristna" full stop.
16:11 < jessica> anyway, kristna, you have to see me and administer unto me cool drugs.
16:12 < crschmidt> jessica: I can take care of that :p
16:12 <@asciident> PM please.
16:12 < crschmidt> How can I talk in a PM with kristan and jess at the same time?
16:12 <@rahaeli> Private channel, then.
16:13 < crschmidt> How can I make a channel on a network that I've been told not to make channels on?
16:13 < kristna> o.O
16:13 <@rahaeli> But for God's sake, please stop using #lj_support as your private message board. As you were already asked in email.
16:13 <@rahaeli> It is perfectly acceptable to make channels on this network, as long as they aren't #lj_* channels.
16:13 -!- Carrie|away is now known as Carrie
16:14 < kristna> doesn't everyone sort of use it for random banter?
16:14 < kristna> ack i don't know what's going on.
16:14 < kristna> how about i just go over here and write my lab. yes.
16:14 -!- DavidR [chatzilla@] has joined #lj_support
16:14 -!- mode/#lj_support [+o DavidR] by ChanServ
16:16 * crschmidt sighs.
16:17 <@bubba> omg <3 hot pockets
16:17 < crschmidt> I don't know what you want me to do. I'm sorry I wanted to hang out and talk to my friends, because that's really all I want out of being here.
16:17 * rahaeli sighs
16:18 -!- andy [andy@] has joined #lj_support
16:20 < kristna> this school is so cold :(
16:22 -!- mode/#lj_support [+bb *!*@*.allan.mv.com *!*@207.22.18.*] by rahaeli
16:22 -!- crschmidt was kicked from #lj_support by rahaeli [rahaeli]

It seems that in my being narrowmindedly accurate in my description of events, I upset the powers that be. Note that for a time, the entire commune (we connect from one IP) was banned, a fact which was later remedied once Jessica informed the person doing the banning that there are these things in IRC called "tools" that she had access to. (Yes, that was snark.)

In any case, I'm now banned from the channel, for what amounts to talking to Kristan and Jess in channel.

* Posted by crschmidt on #the_commune at 2005-03-29 13:52:09 UTC.

Working early...

I think it's about time for me to discuss getting into work earlier with the boss and so on. I've been as productive in the past hour as I was from 2pm on yesterday.

I can't work in the afternoon, and I don't really know why, but if there's a way around it, I think I'm going to have to start trying to take advantage of it.

* Posted by crschmidt on #the_commune at 2005-03-30 13:30:14 UTC.

Oh what a beautiful morning

It's fucking gorgeous out today. I don't want to be inside, but that's cool. I'll chill out outside after work tonight. It really is a beautiful morning.

* Posted by crschmidt on #the_commune at 2005-03-31 15:04:44 UTC.
Christopher Schmidt, and other various and sundry characters.
All code which runs this thing was stolen from sbp. Based on the original nœts site, circa 2003. Design by d8uv, xover, with help from the works of Eric Meyer. Any other people who were involved are also credited and thanked here, in this very small space: . Thank you.