Real things

As you may have noticed from my weblog, {}, I post a lot of total nonsense. However, the very existance of the weblog causes a lot of inner turmoil. You see, even though I love the weblog, I can't use it anywhere. The reason for this is that other smart people may get confused about the intentions of the weblog. Instead of seeing the latest cool thing that I made for real people, a list of facts about dragons smacks them in the face and they'll probably go "WTF we aren't going to take this fool seriously ever again forever eternity." (I hope that'll be an actual quote) This isn't much of a problem now, because I haven't made a place where real things can be put. Perhaps I'm just weirding out for no reason. I dunno I think it's because of my involvement in RSS 1.1 that I'm obsessing over all this. But eventually, either is going to have to mature, or I'm going to have to make two seperate sites, one that is awesome, and one for real things.

* Posted by d8uv on at 2005-01-26 03:03:27 UTC.
Christopher Schmidt, and other various and sundry characters.
All code which runs this thing was stolen from sbp. Based on the original nœts site, circa 2003. Design by d8uv, xover, with help from the works of Eric Meyer. Any other people who were involved are also credited and thanked here, in this very small space: . Thank you.