foaf meeting

I wanna have a foaf meeting on feb 26th. I sent an announce out to the mailing list. I've already gotten a couple responses on it, which is cool and shit. I should still blog about it though, cause some non-foaf people might be interested in hanging out. Still not sure if dan/libby will be able to make it, so I may end up chairing as well.

Related to the email I got: Why would someone mention a completely unrelated fact as if it were important? That's what one of my email respondants did: He replied about the meeting, then said "Drupal has foaf now." No other information at all. so what? Why do I care? Then again, I think this may just be related to the actual person who sent the email, rather than the fact that it was sent.

anyway. if you're going to email me, be useful. That sums up my feelings on that point, I think.

If you care about foaf, read about the message for the meeting. I want to get as many people to commit at least an interest as possible. Thanks.

* Posted by crschmidt on at 2005-02-07 04:19:01 UTC.
Christopher Schmidt, and other various and sundry characters.
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