Flickr Posting via Phone

screen capture of vim editing session. Really just designed to draw attention to the post.I’ve worked out how to post images to flickr using HTTPlib and Python from the flickrup source code. I have no idea if this is the best way to do it, but it seems to work, so I’m writing an application to surround it in a UI. In the process, I’m creating a pretty generalized application framework that I should be able to use on some of my other applications. So, I’m enjoying that.

Some things that it’s done so far:
* Established a couple generalized option configuration methods, which let me load and save from a file
* Created what i hope is a UI for changing those options (which will change per-app)
* Added in some general stuff to make sure the UI works, like locks to make sure the application doesn’t just quit

I’m probably not going to release the framework on its own, at least not until I come out with the Flickr app that I’m writing it for, simply because I’m writing the functions as I go along. If it ends up being worthwhile and reusable enough, I may list it seperately on my page of Symbian Projects.

I think that this could be really fun for me to play with, and I hope I get it working soon, because it seems like a cool application idea. The basic idea behind it is to combine the filebrowser code that is included with the examples in the distribution with a flickr uploading option, as well as the option to view the images. Granted, I can’t do anything other than open them in the default viewer right now, but then at least people can see what they’re getting into.

I’m starting to get to the point where I could see how having a bit more advanced symbian UI widgets would be helpful: something like Putty’s menu, where things can actually be in submenus and the like. I can also see how it’d be way more difficult to code, so I’m not lamenting the lack, just noticing it more than I used to as I get into more and more complex applications. One thing that I have learned is that the Text widget makes a really good way to keep messages and so on on the screen without any complex threading or anything, which is nice. Little things like a progress bar (which seems to be underway) might still be nice though.

Just some random meandering thoughts while I’m writing. Hopefully by the end of the week I’ll have an app at least starting to take shape for Flickr, and maybe I can devote some more time to the traffic cam project too.

One Response to “Flickr Posting via Phone”

  1. Andy Smith Says:

    Oo, great. Glad to see somebody making use of that code, I’d love to see what you have so far.