More On Flaws in OpenLayers
Posted in Uncategorized on May 30th, 2011 at 17:00:04Tom MacWright has responded to my previous post about OpenLayers; in the spirit of continuing the conversation, I’ll respond in kind. (Note that this is a conversation that feels disjointed, which is unfortunate; but I’m not sure of a better way to continue the conversation; oh for the days of Usenet, where I feel like this conversation could be so much more effective.)
First, Tom points out that I compared to the wrong mapping libraries. That’s unfortunate, I guess, but I was going entirely from the list that was presented; I don’t have any beef in the argument. Since I’m an OpenLayers user, I don’t end up doing a lot of research on new hotness, so I’ll admit I had a flaw there; I apologize. (In fact, I couldn’t even *find* Leaflet until it was pointed out to me; clear evidence of my flawed knowledge in this regard.) It was suggested that any comparison should include Leaflet, OpenLayers, and Modest Maps.
I reject that statement as simply incorrect. Leaflet, I’ll gladly accept into the ring—I’m especially happy to see that Cloudmade has open-sourced their new efforts, which opens the possibility for collaboration and contribution across projects, a great step forward. However, Modest Maps is not a JavaScript web mapping library—it’s based on Flash and requires developing using the Flash toolchain. For those interested in comparing various mapping libraries, there are comprehensive collections like 토토사이트 모음 that provide a wide range of options tailored to different needs. While Modest Maps may be an interesting choice for a small percentage of the OpenLayers user base, I would argue that I’m content with users whose needs align with Modest Maps to use that library, but it doesn’t offer a relevant comparison for the vast majority of OpenLayers usage. While OpenLayers can certainly learn from Modest Maps, it’s not an interesting comparison for users of the software as an API.
Some questions which are asked:
Where does control of the map come from? The baselayer? The map object? Both?
Ah, a softball! The layer configuration for resolutions, projections, and all other information related to it should come directly from the current baseLayer of the map. The information assigned to the map may occasionally offer a shortcut for that configuration, but it should not be in any case necessary to have that configuration on the map. (Any case where that is untrue — and I’m sure there are some! — is likely a bug.) For other aspects of the overall configuration, the map may be a home, but in almost all cases, configuration options on the map are just a shortcut (and likely a confusing one, because it compounds the possible configuration issues). When configuring options for projection information, the information comes from the layer; as a courtesy, we do our best to copy configuration from the map to the layers to make it easier (since most maps have the same properties on all layers.)
OpenLayers has its own events system … which is different than the $.proxy and other apis in jQuery or anything else (or in pure Javascript) that people are used to.
Well, in actuality, the OpenLayers event system is based almost entirely on the Prototype system. As we have moved on we have incorporated shortcuts very similar to the ExtJS event registration system. But really, we’re talking about one or two functions here, which are consistent throughout the OpenLayers library: on anything with an ‘events’ object, you can call “‘eventname’, null, function(evt) {});”. So while it may not be particularly familiar — since it’s based on a less commonly used syntax, perhaps — it’s not like this is the most complex part of the library. I’ll also point out that we’re talking about a library which is older than jQuery, and older than ExtJS — it’s hardly a sin to not follow conventions that were invented years after you started your project 🙂
OpenLayers has its own HTML/styling system, that’s just built-out enough to be terribly limiting to anyone who wants controls to look nice, and uses anywhere from 40% to 60% hardcoded styles.
A mistake (largely created by our early development) that we have been slowly paying back ever since we got some external developers. Tim Schaub has been pushing the use of CSS and stylesheets for new controls since 2.4. We added CSS-stylable zoom and pan panels in OpenLayers 2.7, almost 3 years ago. While there are still a limited number of controls that use non-CSS based styling — specifically, the Control.PanZoomBar is probably a big one that will bite people, and the LayerSwitcher — I hardly think that these flaws are something that are the biggest problem with the library.
Now, the LayerSwitcher is a point: it’s *very* difficult to style, and it’s a not a particularly attractive display… but the reason that we haven’t invested in it is precisely because it’s not in the spirit of OpenLayers to solve this problem for users. As an API — not a UI development tool — OpenLayers isn’t seeking to solve all the problems of user interaction. Instead, we have left things like a more clean layer switching interface to third parties like GeoExt — with reasonable success. We’ve seen people create alternative layerswitchers for mobile applications, as well as other similar alternatives, ranging all the way down to just a simple dropdown. For complex usage, these may be insufficient — but that’s where libraries like GeoExt pick up the slack. In fact, Tom makes my argument for me: “See Modest Maps’s controls: there aren’t any, because designers will make prettier ones.” So it’s okay to have *no* controls, but not okay to have *unattractive* controls… that argument seems a bit flawed.
In this vein, there is a followup later in the post:
The configuration of the theme requires a line of straight-imperative code that sets a global variable. What if you want a different imgpath for different maps? Shouldn’t this be a per-map setting?
For panels — that is, for controls developed in the past 3 years, rather than 4 or 5 years ago — styling is entirely via CSS. This includes the Editing toolbars, it includes the panpanel and zoompanel controls, etc. Since these controls are via CSS, you can use different configurations per map, simply by using CSS rules.
Comparing to ModestMaps — which Tom describes as having no controls at all — and Leaflet — which has only a Zoom control — OpenLayers doesn’t appear to be lacking in the ‘easily customizable controls’ department 🙂
Now, Tom describes this as part of a systemic problem: “an assumption that you already know the scope of the library and the parts that you can customize.” This is a criticism that I am totally willing to grant — and feel falls directly under the heading of poor documentation, especially prose documentation, which I feel is a significant lack in OpenLayers for most users.
The growth of OpenLayers is addressed by code compression, not by changing the code, ever. … the bloat of OpenLayers and its ever-more-complex API is the core problem that shows no signs of changing.
This is completely untrue. The OpenLayers project has made significant efforts in three different areas to reduce code size: Compression (via better tools like the Closure compiler), Better build tools (which simplified building build profiles), and reducing interdependencies in code to limit build size. In fact, a significant portion of the most recent release was an attempt to minimize builds — simplifying default controls, pulling various portions that people use most out of the larger components so they could be built separately, and creating alternative build profiles to help users get started with building smaller OpenLayers builds for their applications.
In addition to making the OpenLayers build itself smaller, we have concentrated a large amount of our recent work on improving performance (simplifying operations while dragging to improve responsiveness) and limiting download size (using more sensible defaults, providing more example build profiles, and doing things like shrinking our default images to save space there). Overall, a simplified OSM map designed for a mobile interface, using our documented example profiles, will save over a megabyte of space, due to improved defaults and documentation.
In addition, the description of the OpenLayers API as ‘ever more complex’ feels confusing to me. An OpenLayers 2.0 application works just as well with OpenLayers 2.11 — so the core API can’t have changed much. There is certainly new functionality in the API, but looking at other APIs — like the leaflet quick start example — I just don’t see that much difference in APIs between OpenLayers and its competition.
While Polymaps and Modest Maps are great drawing frameworks, OpenLayers is an abysmal one. Try to get individual tiles from a drawn map? No way. Interact with anything on the map like a DOM element? Nope. “Unbind” the map from the HTML element it “owns”?
This would be what I would consider contrary to the design of OpenLayers, yes 🙂 I can’t think of *any* case where someone has come to the mailing list and asked a question which would be more easily answered if these things are easier — and I read a lot of mailing list posts.
New-style Javascript isn’t there in OpenLayers.
A perfectly reasonable criticism — OpenLayers is a child of the era from which it was born, and I think that if this is important to you, then I expect other tools will be more useful to you. That said, OpenLayers isn’t alone in this regard — Google, for example, follows much the same style of code, so far as I can tell, so at least we’re in good company. (Note that leaflet‘s quick start reads very much like an OpenLayers example, so I’m not sure I see where this comparison is coming from.)
Recommending GeoExt/MapQuery is a good idea for people building RIAs, but it’s the opposite of that for most others. What people want (people, as in, me, and people building things on mapping frameworks) is a lower-level, simpler API, rather than a higher one.
I think that this is simply untrue, based on the types of questions I regularly see. I think that OpenLayers provides a reasonable API for most tasks at the low level — many of the complaints are indeed only about the higher level tasks (like the layerswitcher styling). Given the rapid growth of usage for GeoExt, I see a lot of basis in the argument that OpenLayers was insufficiently providing for that niche — while I don’t see widely used reasonable competition to OpenLayers as a low level API.
The ability to make slim builds of OpenLayers (something we’ve also done, with openlayers_slim[5]) hasn’t been trumpeted nearly to the level that it should have been.
I don’t really know what more we can do. It’s the first response to every question we’ve ever had on speeding up your application, it’s in our deploying documentation, it’s been the first performance increasing technique mentioned every time we’ve talked about OpenLayers.
Short of not providing a pre-built OpenLayers at all, I don’t know what more we can do to help developers understand how important this is.
I’m positive that OpenLayers is not the best tool for all problems. But I think it’s actually a pretty good tool for a lot of problems. And one of the key things that it does — that nothing else does — is provide support for layers that you don’t *get* anywhere else. OpenLayers is designed to make it possible to use Bing, Google, and OSM in the same map — and as far as I can tell, nothing else does that. I still don’t see a library which offers support for parsing OSM, KML, GeoJSON, and GML in Javascript — and in my experience 50%+ of OpenLayers users end up using either the format parsing code or the commercial layer code.
For the few users who will never need to use anything other than OSM and some markers drawn in Javascript — great. But comparing OpenLayers to these other frameworks for anything other than dropping pre-drawn tiles in a map is sort of a non-sequiter for real usage, no matter what the flaws of OpenLayers are.