Archive for the 'Delicious Library' Category

Library in RDF

Posted in Uncategorized on June 5th, 2005 at 21:19:20

A long time ago, when I first got a Mac, there was a lot of hubbub about a program called “Delicious Library”: an application that would let you scan in your books, and provided an awesome user interface to searching, storing, lending, and everything else you might want to do with them. At the time, I wanted it, and I wanted it bad, but I decided to wait until I got an iSight: the idea of entering hundreds, perhaps up to a thousand, UPCs by hand, did not strike me as one of my favored tasks.

March 19th, I got an iSight: a birthday present, from Jess. I thought then “ooh, Delicious Library”, but never got around to it.

This weekend, I was starting to pack up books from the bookshelves. I thought “Hey, I won’t have a clue where any of the books are… unless…”

Jess was out of the house. I downloaded and tried the program: I scanned a full shelf of books (after getting some decent light) and packed them up before I hit my 25 limit and had to pay the piper. $40 for knowing where all of these books are after we move (as well as a new toy to play with) is well worth it.

I scanned another shelf (and ran out of boxes), then sat down to do the fun part.

First: xml2rdf – an XSLT stylesheet to convert from Delicious Library’s XML format to RDF. One of the biggest problems with this stylesheet is that it needs to know about the actual image files available from delicious library: this is where files.xml comes in, which is constructed using the following bash commands:

echo “<container>” > files.xml
for i in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Delicious\ Library/Images/Medium\ Covers/*; do
export j=`echo $i | sed -e ‘s!.*/!!’`
echo “<image size=’medium’ name=’$j’ />” >> files.xml
echo “</container>” >> files.xml

This is then used with XSLT’s document() function in order to load what files are available, to prevent from inaccurate <foaf:depiction>s being spat into the source: Amazon does not store cover images for some books, so until I implemented this fix, there were broken image references.

Next: – Load the file as an RDF model, delete all the existing dc:description statements, convert them from rtfreader from Brandon’s Program Archive

Next: Process through cwm for RDF pretty printing.

Next: rdf2html – taking the RDF output and converting it to HTML.

End result? Content negotiated version of the books I’ve scanned so far in the Books Library – RDF and HTML versions available.

This is some of my first major experience in XSLT, and I’ve found it to be pretty darn easy: far less difficult than I thought it was in the past. I think that I may go on an XSLT kick for the next couple weeks, so don’t be surprised if you see a lot more of my RDF looking a little bit prettier. For example, I already wrote an XSLT stylesheet for the FIF reviews I’ve received, so if you’re using a capable browser, that will be a lot nicer looking now than it used to be.