Open Guide to Boston Updates
Posted in Uncategorized on January 6th, 2006 at 01:40:15Over the past couple months, I’ve been importing a large chunk of data, largely from Zami, into the Open Guide to Boston. Tonight, the guide crossed the 1000 place mark, and I decided that showing everything on one map was no longer making much sense.
The result? Boston Mashup – pick the categories you want, and they’ll be dropped onto a map, with a different color for each type of marker (up to 7 – I don’t have that many colored markers yet).
I’ve still got more I want to do with it, but it works, and works pretty well: much better than I expected it to. Thanks to perigrin for helping me work around my Perl ineptitude and solve the problems I needed to.
Not really much to say about it other than that: try it out, let me know what you think. I’m happy with it, at least as a starting point, so I think that’s probably a good sign.